
她不喜欢任何无趣的hanging on the wall的策展实践,一切有趣的、大胆的、新的实践她都愿意尝试。


She disdains any uninspiring "hanging-on-the-wall" curatorial conventions, instead actively embracing experimental, bold, and innovative practices. Her background in media studies informs her approach to curatorship as a scalpel for dissecting technological power structures. Her research focuses particularly on algorithmic biases and spectral power dynamics behind digital interfaces, as manifested in net art and computer-based artistic expressions.

Currently, she is examining the 15th Kassel Documenta as a case study to analyze entrenched power hierarchies within the international biennial system and guerrilla-style curatorial tactics of artistic self-organization. Parallel to this, she conducts comparative research on spontaneously formed art communities in urban villages across Southern China.


04 THER NARRATIVES 她们的叙事・伦敦站

Exhibition Brand Sereis



"Their Narratives" is an itinerant feminist exhibition series initiated by Spectra Curatorial Collective from London, dedicated to amplifying the voices of Gen-Z female artists and providing an expansive platform for "their" perspectives to be fully expressed. We have specially invited 16 emerging Chinese female artists from prestigious universities both domestic and international to jointly present nearly 50 artworks in this visual feast centered around "their" expressions.

Through diverse artistic mediums including easel paintings, fiber art, and ceramic art, "they" delicately explore contemporary women's identity construction, bodily rights, and personal experiences under multiple societal pressures. "Their Narratives" not only demonstrates how female artists navigate between personal introspection and broader social realities to find their authentic voices and spaces, but more importantly, creates crucial opportunities for these artists to be seen and heard. This exhibition ensures their unique perspectives and creative expressions receive the attention and recognition they deserve.

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