
她不喜欢任何无趣的hanging on the wall的策展实践,一切有趣的、大胆的、新的实践她都愿意尝试。


She disdains any uninspiring "hanging-on-the-wall" curatorial conventions, instead actively embracing experimental, bold, and innovative practices. Her background in media studies informs her approach to curatorship as a scalpel for dissecting technological power structures. Her research focuses particularly on algorithmic biases and spectral power dynamics behind digital interfaces, as manifested in net art and computer-based artistic expressions.

Currently, she is examining the 15th Kassel Documenta as a case study to analyze entrenched power hierarchies within the international biennial system and guerrilla-style curatorial tactics of artistic self-organization. Parallel to this, she conducts comparative research on spontaneously formed art communities in urban villages across Southern China.


02 THER NARRATIVES-Shenzhen:Longtitude —|— Latitude


Chiwan No.1 Art Centre- Exhibition Photo

展 览 前 言
Exhibition Statement



此次“她们的叙事 深圳站”汇聚了众多拥有海外学术背景的女性艺术家之作,「她们」大部分毕业于罗德岛艺术学院、伦艺、金匠等海外顶尖艺术学府。此次巡展,她们携带着各自独特的艺术风格与视角归来,以多元的艺术形式,如水彩、油画、雕塑、陶瓷、玻璃、多媒体等艺术媒介,展现「她们」的生活体验和细腻的私人洞察。

"Nüjing 女巠 (经) Nüwei 女韦 (纬)" is a linguistic reconfiguration of the Chinese characters for "longitude" (经, jīng) and "latitude" (纬, wěi), created by replacing their original silk-radical (⺰) with the female radical (女).

Geographically, longitude and latitude—the vertical and horizontal axes of our coordinate system—interlace to form the foundational grid mapping our world. This radical substitution transcends mere typographic play, evolving into a cultural cartographic metaphor. Just as terrestrial coordinates define spatial uniqueness, our cultural landscape demands the marking of distinct coordinates for women artists—ensuring their visibility, amplifying their voices, and honoring their creative perspectives.

"THer Narratives" brings together works by women artists educated at prestigious global institutions including the Rhode Island School of Design, University of the Arts London, and Goldsmiths. Returning with diverse artistic lexicons—spanning watercolor, oil painting, sculpture, ceramics, glasswork, and multimedia—they articulate lived experiences and intimate private epistemologies.

Within the "女巠(jīng)女韦(wěi)" cartography, these artists persistently dismantle traditional boundaries of gendered roles, weaving their own radical axes of jing and wei—a subversive coordinate system redefining creative authority through feminine consciousness.

Yuqiu Wang, Mum I don’t want to dream of you any more
 Huangzi, Circle(series)
Linzi Huang, Herstory

SWCAC Exhibition Photo

策展人| Curator

邓雅之 Siana Deng 邹捷蕾 Jielei Zou

学术支持|Acedamic Support

中国艺术研究院  郅敏  Chinese National Academy of Arts-Min Zhi
景德镇陶瓷大学  邵长宗  Jingdezhen Ceramic University-Changzong Shao
四川美术学院 李占洋  Sichuan Fine Arts Institute-Zhanyang Li
吴小燕 Xiaoyan Wu  
张晋君 Jinjun Zhang

艺术家(部分)| Artists(Part)

侯雨晴 黄慧贤 薛曜林 张好好 林凯旋  鲍思逸 周语萌 王宇秋 黄紫 王梦琪 黄凌姿





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